QUIFD 2012
QUIFD –Is an Agency for Quality in Voluntary Services developed for quality standard for volunteering services. QUIFD also support deployment location and bearer of voluntary services with quality development. For demonstrated compliance with the quality standards, the agency awards the Quifd quality seal.
To the Agency of quality in volunteering services
Finalist beim Lighting Africa Award 2008
“Lighting Africa’s goal is to reach 250 million customers in Africa that are deprived of energy with low cost, reliable lighting products by 2030. The Lighting Africa Development Marketplace seeks to advance its goal through the design and delivery of affordable, high quality, non-fossil fuel-based lighting products and services targeting low income consumers in Sub-Saharan Africa.” The DTP acquired its project ideas under the finalist of the Lightning Africa Awards.
National Energy Globe Award 2007
The Energy Globe is an international admission for projects, which follow the guidance of sustainable development and adopt an exemplary function. All national projects which are selected get a worldwide representation and in this way spread to high publicity and imitation effect.
IZT Future Prize 2006
The Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment (ITZ) award in 2006 the Deutsche-Tansanische Partnerschaft with the IZT Future Prize for “Concepts, projects, initiative and networks, which address the implementation of the millennium development goals of the united nation.
To the Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment (ITZ)
UN-Decade for Education for sustainable Development in Germany
The jury of the national committee for the UN-Decade: “Education for sustainable Development in Germany” selected the pilot project: “Voluntary Ecological Year in Tanzania – intercultural understanding and development through youths working together for climate protection and renewable energies” as decade project. The goal of the world decade project decided by the united nation is the integration of principles of sustainable development worldwide into the national education systems by end of 2002.
Advancement Award: One World 2004
The “Advancement Award: One World” of the Church Development Service (KED) in the North Elbian Protestant Lutheran Church is given to groups, initiatives and individuals, who engage in creative and exemplary Issues of the “South-North-Relations” and who thereby reform examples and new ideas.
To the Church Development Service (KED)
Solar Award 2003
The Solar Award 2003 was bestowed by EUROSOLAR e.V. to the Deutsch Tansanische Partnerschaft for extraordinary performance in the area of renewable energies, especially in the third world project “junior experts for solar technology (JES)”.
EUROSOLAR e.V. is a non-profit European Association for Renewable Energies founded in 1988, whose goal is to replace atomic and fossil energies with renewable energies. Therefore the association develop and encourage to promote development on a political and economic level.