As former volunteers of the DTP we use manifold ways to incorporate our experiences, competences and visions into the DTP. For this purpose we formed an open network called FUGE, in 2006. It gives us the opportunity to develop our own ideas, to discuss current issues and to look for committed supporters for our projects. We meet regularly in changing locations all over Germany at conferences and workshops. Reunion, socializing, creating ideas, discussions, presentations and just having a good time – these topics are on our agenda.
FUGE takes part in the DTP
- Five returnees participate in the managing board of the DTP
- FUGE engages in the seminars of the voluntary program and supports new volunteers
- Public relations: Website, "umeme" magazine and newsletter are compiled by FUGE
- In our workshops we develop solutions for current issues of DTP and own ideas of FUGE
- ... and a lot more!
and organizes own projects
North-South Program: since 2008
Returnee's wind turbine: small demonstration wind turbine in the energy park of artefact
Talks at schools and vocational schools, reports of former volunteers
Mini travel guide Dar es Salaam: aside the ordinary routes.
Youth photography: Zanzibar from the viewpoint of its youth
- Conferences, fairs and workshops: Berlin 08 and others.